Thursday, April 17, 2008

Answers to SS Essay on Diplomacy

An example of regional relations is ASEAN. Its roles can be seen in its three aims. The first aim is to promote economic, social and cultural development of the region. ASEAN member countries have co-operated to improve their economies. ASEAN has established ties with other countries such as Japan and associations to promote development in the region. The second aim is to protect the peace and stability of the region. For example, when a civil war broke out in Cambodia in the 1980s, the fighting groups were supported by countries outside ASEAN. ASEAN and the UN persuaded the different groups in Cambodia to stop fighting and to form a new democratic government. The third aim is to provide opportunities for member countries to discuss and resolve differences peacefully. An example is the claims on the Sipadan Islands, where ASEAN countries such as Malaysia and Vietnam are trying to arrive at a peaceful solution. The aims and examples for ASEAN show that regional relations is important in helping to promote common interests and resolve conflicting interests among nations.

The UN is important to international relations because it provides help to countries in need. The UN helps countries that are faced with immediate problems such as famines and earthquakes. It sends food and medical aid to these countries such as Aceh, Indonesia after the tsunami disaster. Secondly, the UN also gives a voice to every member country. The UN gives member countries the right to vote on decisions that affect them. It also gives them the opportunity to voice their grievances in the General Assembly. The General Assembly is like a world parliament where all the member countries can vote on various matters. Thirdly, the UN safeguards peace and stability. The UN sends its peacekeeping force to troubled areas. The peacekeeping forces ensure that parties involved in an armed conflict observe the peace by keeping them apart and preventing them from fighting. The roles of UN and examples about UN show that international relations help to promote common interests and resolve conflicting interests among nations.

Bilateral relations
Important to the smallest extent
Because such relationship benefit only 2 countries and may involve agreements that can affect other countries in a negative way. Eg. Singapore’s friendly relation with Israel has not pleased other countries such as Malaysia.

Regional relations
Important to a large extent
More important than bilateral relations as with more countries involved, bigger achievements can be made, such as stopping a war in Cambodia, which if it continued would have affected all countries in the region.

International relations
Important to the largest extent
The most important as it concerns the well-being of the whole world. They are needed to ensure that peace and security can be achieved at the global level, without which every country in the world will be affected negatively. Also, the environmental issues can be tackled more effectively at this level.

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